Co-working & Office Spaces Prototyping, testing and networking on five floors


From private offices to flexible workspaces: Munich Urban Colab offers excellent conditions for collaborative projects and the development, testing and implementation of innovations. Whether you are a start-up with exciting ideas, a future-oriented company with innovative power or a scientific institution with groundbreaking research - become part of our community.

Our Spaces

Munich Urban Colab – a unique innovation platform

On over 11,000 square meters, we offer office space, co-working spaces, project and seminar rooms, event areas and the high-tech workshop MakerSpace with a machine park for prototyping and small series production.

The Munich Urban Colab is centrally located in the creative quarter in the heart of Munich - an experimental and creative environment. Surrounded by industrial buildings and an urban mix of living, work, art and science, it has become a magnet for the international innovation and start-up scene.

Ultimate Demo Day 2022 2

Space for innovations and ideas

All offices and co-working spaces are spacious, have high ceilings and are equipped with high-quality furniture. All work areas are light-flooded thanks to the modern glass facade. There are also two winter gardens, a restaurant & café, several fully equipped kitchens and 15 bookable meeting rooms - offering lots of space for exchanges, co-creation and collaboration.

The open space meets all requirements for agile working and new work - from strategic work in the think tank to workshops in the design think lab. We have the right space for every challenge.


A unique community

With a membership, you get much more than just a workplace: you get access to our unique community, know-how and new technologies. You also benefit from exclusive community events and members-only discounts.

We believe that a curated community has a decisive influence on the innovative strength and implementation of value-driven ideas. That’s why we have established a process of curation for our spaces that ensures that diverse backgrounds, industries, disciplines and skills are represented among our members.

Contact us by using the online form. We will get in touch with you personally to find out more about your experience, aspirations and goals and to find the right workspace for you.


Co-working & Office Spaces

Get involved in our community